Week 10 ( Mar 3 - Mar 9)
Mon 08:00 to 17:00
Tue 08:00 to 17:00
Wed 08:00 to 17:00
Thu Closed
Fri 08:00 to 17:00
Sat: Open by appointment only for import delivery 08:00 to 14:00 (Cut-off for Sat request: 11:00 prior Fri)
Sun: Open by appointment only for import delivery 08:00 am to 14:00 (Cut-off for Sun request: 11:00 prior Fri)
Daily Gate Cut-Off Times
16:30: Dry Containers (NON-HAZ)
16:15: Dry Containers (HAZ)
16:15: Refrigerated Containers
16:00: Late Gate Requests (All Container Types)
16:30: Inbound gate closes
Any truck arriving at the In-gate by 16:30 will be allowed a double move except in case of reefer and dangerous cargo.
Any truck arriving prior to 16:30 but within our gate queue and in front of the PET Security car will be allowed access to the Terminal to insure late deliveries.
Please plan all your container transactions in advance of their respective cut-off times